Tuesday, June 12, 2007

june 12

whoever watches the sopranos probably agrees with me when i say the series finale was complete and utter bullshit. how can you end one episode tony going to sleep holding a machine gun and the other like this? it just doesn't make sense.

for everything else, fuck you david chase,fuck you.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

june 8

it's summer,i've been busy as shit. lack of updates/i apologize.
this one is going to be quick and short,new minus the bear album is leaked,you can find it yourself because i'm not providing it for you.

i will provide an mp3 for you though.

minus the bear-dr.l'ling

Friday, June 1, 2007

june 1

i've never been a big fan of bright eyes,in fact i've almost hated him,but the new album is amazing compared to others. more upbeat,and it sounds like he's actually trying to sing and not sound like shit.

heres a sample,buy it

bright eyes-four winds.